Industry consultation

Govt of Canada consultation – GoC is holding a ‘Cyber Authentication Renewal Program Industry Consultation’ Feb 16 & 17th. They are hoping to obtain industry input, posing the following questions

  1. What options could be considered for becoming a member of the GC Credential Federation?
  2. Does the Kantara Identity Assurance Framework certification criteria and process pose a good option to model?
  3. How are risks allocated?
  4. What liability model is acceptable?
  5. What indemnity model is acceptable?
  6. What are the Terms and Conditions around liability used by industry with other customers / partners?
  7. Can Canada have access to records to investigate/prosecute fraud or allegations if a credential has been improperly used?
  8. What branding / co-branding is wanted?
  9. Does the Crown’s use of your credential increase your risk profile?
  10. Are there potential impacts on your privacy practices from the Crown’s use of your credential?
  11. Do you anticipate that you will need to collect additional information because of the Crown’s use of your credential?
  12. Is there interest in participating in the GC Credential Federation (GCCF)? If yes, would the arrangement be a contractual relationship or another type of agreement?
  13. Are there other concerns?

Security Valley will by this posting coordinate a response.

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